Education (25)
Bangalore Steiner School
Alternative Education. Steiner School oif Thought.
Bhoomi College
Alternative Education. For Adults. To be introduced to Sustainable Living.
Inspire and catalyze nature integrated thinking and living.
Centre for Learning
Experience Based.
EKF - Existential Knowledge Foundation
Alternative Education. Jinana KB School of Thought. Learning by Doing.
India Youth Jam
Focus on Sustainability, Partnerships between diverse allies, intergenerational changemakers.
Jagriti Yatra
Focus on building India through enterprise. It focuses on the themes of Agriculture, Health, Technology, Handicraft and Apparel, Women Empowerment and Urbanization and interlinking entrepreneurship with nation-building.
Map of Community Conserved Areas
This map represents the Community Conserved Areas (CCAs) in India as point locations which are colour coded by type of ecosystem.
News platform that brings high-quality, original reports from nature’s frontline in India.
A platform to help not-for-profits implement foundational tech tools to help ease their day to day operations. The organisation is supported by volunteer tech mentors.
Paathashaala - The Palar Centre for Learning
Alternative Education. Jiddu Krishnamurthy School of Thought.
Poorna Learning Centre
Alternative Education. Hands-on, experiential learning through doing and being is emphasised. Focus is on intellectual ability, values of compassion, social sensitivity, humility, respect for each other, respect for the earth and all that she offers, adaptability, joyfulness, curiosity for how and why things happen and a quest for excellence in whatever children do.
Prakriya Green Wisdom
Aternative Education.
Learning centre amidst organic farm and forest. Observation of nature and discussions replace teaching time.
Rajghat Besant School
Alternative Education. Jiddu Krishnamurthy School of Thought.
Rishi Valley School
Alternative Education. Jiddu Krishnamurthy School of Thought.
Sahyadri School
Alternative Education. Jiddu Krishnamurthy School of Thought.
Alternative Education. Experience Based.
Experiential learning, paradigm shift in teaching – learning practices to emerge as an alternative to the traditional examination oriented system of education.
Alternative Education. Jiddu Krishnamurthi School.
Swaraj University
An attempt to nurture the heart’s calling of young people with an understanding of how their actions/ choices are interconnected and impacting all our communities and nature.
Courses that enable you to solve and act on climate issues
The School KFI
Alternative Education. Jiddu Krishnamurthy School of Thought.
The Valley School
Based on Jiddu Krishnamurthi's teachings.To observe the world, not from any particular point of view or conclusion and to look at the whole of man’s endeavour, his search for beauty, his search for truth and for a way of living without conflict.
The Vels Academy
Alternative Education. Steiner School oif Thought.